
1. Native Indians

The sympols are connected to very long and almost straight lines running through the desert. Most of the symbols itself allow to walk into them and out again in a certain loop. Often, the symbols have their own line and direction connecting them and were maybe markers for the ancient pathways. Maybe, they were ceremonial procession paths and interconnections between different families of indians living there before. It is remarkable, that special symbols are concentrated in certain areas. Maybe they are clan-symbols of groups living in this area. Here are photographs I found as a possible explanation for the circular signs. The first shows a ceremony, which is still held from the native people in the mountains of south america. Also, the lines and symbols remember strongly on the geoglyphs found in the andes in south america - the famous Nasca-Lines! Also very astonishing is the fact, that different cultures all over the world formed similar and large geoglyphs like, for example, in the desert of Jordan.

Which indians were in the area?

The area was populated by Anasazi (2000 B.C. to 1000 A.D.) and Fremont (600 A.D. to 1250 A.D.). It is interesting, that most of the symbols can be also found in ancient petroglyphs on canyon walls in the same area. The newspaper rock (Anasazi) is located in Canyonlands NP, near Blanding, Utah. Not all of the symbols are understood. Beside animals and peoples, the rock is full of abstract signs. They can be signs for family clans or natural phenomena. In Sego Canyon near Green River, Utah, one can find petroglyphs of various styles - the fremont style looks different than the large symbols in the desert and thus, can not be the origin. On the other hand, the symbols on Sky Rock near Bishop, California, made by the Paiute, remembers strongly on the found symbols. Also, abstract symbols like spirals can be found all over the world in ancient civilizations [3],[4].
The landscape was not dry as it is now. Thousand years ago, it was grassland which became more and more steppe before it was turning into a desert. The ancient farming indians moved from the flats into the canyons to find water. In this last period they built stonehouses in the rims at very protecting places. It shows, that they were fighting each other for water and for the best places to survive. The houses and clans became larger (better protection against other groups) while they moved toward the south. Smaller houses can be found in canyons in Utah, while the larger houses were built later in New Mexico and Arizona (Mesa Verde, Canyon de Chelly, Chaco Canyon). Then they disapeared finally. The reason is not clear, but it has something to do with the contact to the aggressive indians from Mexico, with upcoming cannibalism and also with the climate change in the area.
Maybe,the lines are still visible, because the grass was removed inside the paths and after, sand was filling up the paths by erosion. Today, less vegation can be grown inside the paths, as there is less organic material left from the past. Some of the lines show ways to water sources or passways into and through canyons to other flatlands. It is remarkable how precise straight (over miles distance) most of ways are!


The idea, that indians from the past made all these symbols, is interesting, but PROBABLY WRONG. Ok, there are some similarities to other ancient geoglyphs in the world and also some geometrical symbols can be found also in petroglyphs, but circles, triangles, squares and lines are nothing very special. The precision and sizes of the symbols have, more probable, a technical reason. Animals and other signs can not be found in the Utah geoglyphs. After the inspection of the area and interviewing some archeologists (see page before), it must have a DIFFERENT ORIGIN.

[1] Native American Indians
[2] Bureau of Land Management
[3] Spirals in Ancient Civilizations
[4] Comparision of spiral geoglyphs

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